2nd Sunday in Lent C 

The Readings 

2nd Sunday C by Rev. Richard Budgen 

2nd Sunday C by Fr. Scott Hastings (Audio Link)

 Archived Homilies

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Gospel Highlight: Lk 9:35—“Then from the cloud came a voice that said, ‘This is my chosen Son; listen to him.’”

Key Idea: The Gospel account of the Transfiguration conveys both the awe and the fear the disciples must have experienced before the vision of their transfigured Lord. But it is the voice from the clouds that teaches them the meaning of their experience. They are in the presence of the Son of God, who shows them the way of life. The disciples are given a foretaste of the victory of Jesus’ death on the Cross in the glory of his Resurrection, just as we mark this Lenten season in the knowledge of Jesus’ glorious Resurrection. As disciples of the transfigured Lord, our lives too are to be transformed. This is the Lenten journey of conversion, our daily path of turning from self-love to love of God and others.

Take 30 (Seconds): Reflect or pray in silence.

Share: How is each family member striving to hear God’s word more attentively this Lenten season? What does daily conversion mean to you—individually and as a family? Who in the community are you called to support as they progress in their journeys of conversion—catechumens, returning Catholics, new members of the parish?

Pray: (Repeat each phrase after the leader.) “The Lord is my light and my salvation. / The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid? / Wait for the Lord with courage. / Wait for the Lord” (Ps 27:1a, 1c, 14a, 14c).


Possible Themes 

Study and Exegesis 

Salford Office for Liturgy 


Extensive Commentaries with Text

1st Reading 

Responsorial Psalm

2nd Reading



Links to in-depth content

Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible - Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Google Books

Children of a compassionate God: a theological exegesis of Luke 6:20-49 - Google Books

Sacra Pagina - The Gospel of Luke - Daniel J Harrington - Google Books