The Well-Stocked Deacon's Library

I have been asked to provide a basic library of resources that should be on every Deacon's bookshelf. And while the list is somewhat objective, I believe the essentials are covered. You are encouraged to purchase materials from your local Catholic Bookstore. If you do not have one in your area, please consider purchasing via this page. Any proceeds from the sale of any materials will be funneled back into the web site.


Catholic Bible in the translation of your choice and at least one in another translation 

The Order of Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and Celebration of the Eucharist

(Ordo) Published annually and specific for groups of dioceses.

Specific to your country 

Book of Blessings is likely to be found in your parish sacristy and is only rarely referenced at home. Nice to have but not really an essential. 

 In my opinion, these are the only essential books for your library. 

I have several other suggestions that will be of value to have at hand. I have returned to these resources again and again as aids to teaching, preaching and spiritual enrichment. Of course there are thousand of books out there. These are my top nine. They are neutral in their views, and simply reflect the teachings of the Church.

Magazine Subscriptions 


Links to texts in electronic format. These are valuable to your libray as well, but are available for download at no cost.  

  • Documents of Vatican II 


    Code of Canon Law 1983