Palm Sunday C

The Readings 

Archived Homilies 

Palm Sunday C by Dcn. Tom Fox

Palm Sunday C by Dcn. Bill O'Donnell 

Possible Themes 

If Only I Had Known 

Journey to Jerusalem 

Study and Exigesis 

Salford Office for Liturgy 


Extensive Commentaries with Text

1st Reading 

Responsorial Psalm

2nd Reading



Links to in-depth content

Apostolic Letter from Pope John Paul II on the Sacrament of Penance (Link)

Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Google Books

Where Christology began: essays on Philippians 2

Ralph P. Martin, Brian J. Dodd -...Google Books

Children of a compassionate God: a theological exegesis of Luke 6:20-49 - Google Books

Sacra Pagina - The Gospel of Luke - Daniel J Harrington - Google Books